Today our main focus was to perform in front of Mrs Bowers Daughter and Mrs Hearth. Unfortunately Mrs Hearth had to stay at home with Jonathan because he was ill so we are only performing for Mrs Bowers Daughter. After the excitement of the last French lesson we settled down to our rehearsal. I think (and I am sure most people will) that it was our closest rehearsal to perfection. With the exception from a slight pause in the Consider Yourself dance we ran through with ease. Mrs Bowers daughter who is a teacher in Qatar said that our talents are the opposite to her old year 6 class as we are very talented in acting, dancing and singing!
A big thank you to Mrs. Bowers Daughter (Sarah) for giving up her time to visit and view our performance
Mrs Bowers
7/17/2013 05:58:52 am

Thank you James. I agree that it went really well. Let's hope we haven't peaked too soon!

James Hoggett
7/17/2013 06:12:13 am

Thanks, lets hope the costumes complete it


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    I am James and I deal with the blog bit of the website and Daniel is the design person


    July 2013

